
Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm freaking outtt!!

I leave...TOMORROW. OH MY GOSH!! I don't even know how to explain all the emotions I am experiencing at the moment. I had no idea I would be freaking out this much! All of a sudden I am nervous and scared. What do you expect, I'll be living in a new country for three months! Tomorrow I board my plane at 8:25am and head to Spain. Is this real life?!

Yes, I am scared and nervous like I said, but out of all these emotions I mostly excited. I know it will be an adventure I will remember forever. I am excited to meet the people of Spain, to have an awesome roommate, to travel, and experience things that not everyone gets to. I will cherish this very much. I was lucky to have my birthday a few days ago and get books from several people about Spain, an awesome passport holder, and a travel journal. This travel journal is AWESOME. I can't wait to use it:) (Thanks A-Wood)

I thought I should just give a few heads up on things before I leave:

First off, I have no idea if my host family will have internet or not. So, I may not be able to blog or go on Facebook or Skype to talk to people as much as I would like to. I will just have to find out when I get there, and I will let you all know ASAP.

Second, I will not have a cellphone that you will be able to contact me with, so if you call/text me, I am not ignoring you. I promise.

Third, feel free to follow me on this blog for the next few months and get a taste of what I am experiencing. I will try and post as much as possible. I will be taking millions of pictures, I already know.

Lastly, adios. See you in 3 months:)

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