
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cookies for breakfast and yogurt for desert.

I woke up around 7:15 and got ready for the day! My mom and I are still trying to figure out when the best time to skype is. We tried at 8am there and 11pm there...but she was tired. So we are still trying to figure it out. Hopefully we get it eventually haha. 

We walked to school which started at nine. We had our first spanish class. Our teacher's name is Visi. I am a little worried about this class because I am better at speaking than writing and this class is more about the writing. Our second class is conversational though. That teacher's name is Teresa. She is 27 and super nice! I think I will really like her class. Then we had art again.

Vern and I started to walk home but it was raining and the "6" bus happened to be right by us so we decided to hop on it to get home. We knew that bus 6 and 8 take us home...but then realized after awhile that we were on the wrong bus and going somewhere we did not recognize at all. We finally got off after about 20 minutes and got onto a different bus "6" and hoped it would take us back. As we were going 2 girls from our group got on, Janeen and Whitney. They had already gone to the market and were heading home, all while we had been trying to get home this whole time. Thank goodness
they got on because they helped us and let us know we were now on the right bus haha.

We finished up our spanish homework due the next day, relaxed, then headed to our last class at 5 for the day, religion. I'm really excited for this class. Elder Fausito Lopez is our teacher, he is a quorum of the 70! He seems awesome. FHE will start next. I am a leader of one of those groups:)
Oh and we took the wrong bus home again...wrong bus 2 times in one day. awesome.

Today I went to my two spanish classes. That's all we had. Then I went home and did homework and relaxed. Vern and I met up with Ali and Marynn and we took the train into Madrid. We went to El Museo del Prado for our assignment. It was so amazing to look at paintings in real life. It is so much more beautiful. You can see the work that people put into it and their different ways of painting. We got home and relaxed some more and had dinner.

Today was a weird day haha. I woke up not feeling my best. We went to class. We had our two spanish classes and art. After class we started planning for our trip to Rome in March:) Then I came home and worked on some homework. Vern and I signed up to tutor some 15-16 year old kids at a school. We were asked to help them learn english. We arrived to the school and it was nothing of what we expected. We ended up teaching adults. I actually really enjoyed it though. We will be doing it every wednesday. I am pretty excited. All day I have felt a little off. My body aches a bit and I feel tired. Hoping tomorrow will be better.

I feel a whole lot better today. We had just our two spanish classes today. After class Veronica and I came home and rested and watched shows for hours. It was nice relaxing time. We then walked to a mall and looked around. They had SOOO many cute clothes. I settled with two shirts and tights. It's hard to pick things considering just about everything is on sale here right now. Tomorrow I am going to Toledo. I am SO excited.

Well that's a wrap! not too much exciting stuff this weekend. This weekend should have lots more to talk about:)

P.S. My goal is to find this while I am here. YUM.

1 comment:

  1. k first, you better learn the bus system soon haha otherwise you'll be wasting lots of time on wrong buses haha.
    next, thats cool that you will be tutoring people in english every wednesday! good for you that will be a neat experience i bet.
    next, totally awesome that your religion class is taught by a 70!! i'm so jealous, that will be amazing.
    Fun that you're an FHE group leader.
    you get to go to rome?? as a field trip or what?
    anyways, love ya sis! glad you're having a good week!
