
Sunday, February 12, 2012


Most of my week was pretty simple. I had a really great weekend though. Here is a taste of my week...
Statue in Madrid

Monday: Class.

Tuesday: Class and went to Madrid to go to the Prado Museum for our art assignment.

Wednesday: Class and the awesome game of soccer at church.

Thursday: Class and went into Madrid to do a Madrid Walk assignment. It was a beautiful day:)

Friday: We went to Segovia! It was really pretty. We got to go into the castle and to the top of the tower. The city is so cute and pretty. It was interesting how different many of the teens were though. Many of them dressed as punk kids. Also at the end of the day Marynn and I saw little girls doing a dance so we asked them to teach us, then everyone joined our circle. The little girls told us this will get all the boys. hahaha.
Cute kids in Segovia

When we got back from Segovia Marynn, Jenna, Hilary, Santi, and I met up to go to a concert in Madrid. Hilary and Jenna are in our program and Santi is in our ward. We got into Madrid, got our tickets and when we went to go into the concert and they asked us for ID...unfortunately Jenna, Hilary, and I forgot our ID..they wouldn't let us in. We were so sad. Since we were already in Madrid we decided we better do something then. We went to Starbucks and Santi called up his friend, Mario, who is in our stake. We ended up going dancing and we had a really good time. Madrid is so busy and fun at night. We had to take buses home and got back around 3am. I had to shower and stuff so I got to bed around 4:30am.

Went out for breakfast
Saturday: We had a great day with our host family. We woke up and Veronica, Encarna, Roberto, and I went to get churros con chocolate for breakfast. We then met up with Rafael and Sandra to go to Parque Europe. It was so cool! It is a park with lots of little things from different places in Europe! It was so cute. We then went and got tapas. It was my first time getting tapas even though they are so popular here. Tapas are little meals that are about 2,50 euros. It comes with a small meal you pick and a soda. After that Encarna took us to a mall and a store that is super cheap. I got a lot of things. It was hard to pick what to get because it all was so great and so cheap. I ended up getting 3 dresses, 2 scarves, a backpack, and an umbrella for 41 euros. Vern and I were tired after that and took a long nap, had dinner, relaxed, then went to bed.

Parque Europa 
Sunday: I went to church. I really enjoyed every meeting today. I really felt the spirit today. Today was fast sunday because last week was stake conference. We had a testimony meeting and it was really great. I felt myself shaking and knew I had to get up there. I was nervous but the spirit was so strong I had to. It was a really neat experience to be able to bare my testimony in spanish. The last time that I had the opportunity to do that was 7 years ago when I bore it when talking in stake conference after returning from Mexico. After church we had lunch, I watched the Lizzie McGuire movie because it was on TV and it got me excited for Rome, then I took and nap and then went to the Larsen's for our sunday get together. It was a really great day.

I don't know if anyone remembers but when we first got here my host mom said that she could hear my Mexican accent. Yesterday her nephew told me that he couldn't hear one at all and also today some girls in my group  told me that their host mom who is in the ward said I had no Mexican accent and really enjoyed it because she could understand me perfectly. I guess I'm not so Mexican anymore. Weird.

3 things of exciting news:
1. I decided to go back to BYU-Idaho this Spring semester. I am really excited now. I am living with my friend, Devanie, and am excited to see all my other friends who are there.
2. Our program had some more money so they are going to pay for us to go to a Real Madrid soccer game!
3. My sister, Lindsie, had her baby on January 9th. My little niece, Zoey Lin Collins, is so cute and I cannot wait to meet her!

Life is good.
Oh, and if anyone has any questions they want me to answer about Spain in my blogs, let me know as well! I want you to experience it with me:)

1 comment:

  1. um i wanna see pictures of the dresses, backpack and scarf that you bought
