
Sunday, February 26, 2012


This week was splendid!
On monday we had class, and played soccer at night. On tuesday we went to class and then we went into Madrid with some girls. We went to a store called "Taste of America" and it was SPLENDID! They had so many great American treats! I got gushers, brownie mix, Dr. Peper, Reese's peanut butter cups, and lucky charms. Can you say YUM? It was heavenly. Then we came home and packed for this week's trip!
Wednesday morning we left for BARCELONA!! On our way there we stopped in Zaragoza. It was a nice little town and we got a small tour. Then we drove the rest of the way to Barcelona. All of us as a group got tasty tasty tasty gelado. Then we got to walk around and see stuff. The pier was beautiful.

At Par Guell
La Sagrada Familia
Outside of La Sagrada Familia
 On Thursday we woke up and had out tour! We went to Parc Guell which was really cool. All the neat things made out of tile were really cool. We then went to La Sagrada Familia. I was in love with it. Pretty sure it is my favorite building we have been in. I cannot describe it with just words. We went to our hotel and then Ali, Marynn, Vern and I went to eat. We found MEXICAN FOOD...REAL MEXICAN FOOD. I cannot describe how happy I was. It was so tasty!

Barcelona Cathedral
Beach at Mediterranean Sea!
On Friday we got the day to ourselves. We went to the Barcelona Cathedral. It was really pretty and had geese in it. We we then walked through some shops. I got gypsy pants! They are oober comfy. Then we went to the beach! It was so nice! The sun was out. I touched the Mediterranean Sea:) We laid out in the sun for awhile. It was really relaxing. Then we went to some more stores and headed back to the hotel. We showed and rested then went out to dinner and Madi came too! We went to Hard Rock Cafe. It was delicious! YUM! Afterwards Vern, Marynn, and Madi headed back to the hotel while Marynn and I walked down the street "La Rambla" to meet more girls in our group to go to a discoteca. There were a lot of people there and shops. But there are a lot of men trying to get you to go to their clubs. They get really touchy and creepy so Marynn and I waited for our friends in Subway. They got there and the discoteca opened at 12..we were the first there because in Spain no one parties until 2am. Our director wanted us out by 1:30 so it was so calm while we were there. We had a super fun time, though! On the way back some me and 2 other girls fell behind and got lost. Too much to explain so if you are super interested feel free to ask haha:) I went to bed around 3am that night.

Gypsy pants!

On Saturday we woke up early for breakfast and to head back home. I basically slept the whole ride. When I got home all I did is rest.
Sunday was great. Church was just wonderful. Us girls in the group got together before church to practice a song "Hijas de un Rey" or "Daughter of a King". We sang it in relief society and it was beautiful. I just love spanish. All the classes and talks were wonderful. At night we went to the Larsen's for treats again. Later at night I skyped one of my best buddies, Drew Royster, before he gets set apart. I'm gunna miss this guy but he will be an awesome missionary. See you in 2 years, buddy!!


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